

I decided to put all my evaluation question on to a Prezi and present them from there so enjoy... As my question 1 & 3 responses links don't work I've placed them below... Question 3-

The release...


First draft & feedback

After spending quite a while on editing all our film footage through the use of Adobe Premiere pro and Photoshop, my group and I have finally got our first draft to get feedback from so that if any changes need doing we had plenty of time before the deadline to complete them. We want our thriller to be the best that it can be so we wanted to have plenty of feedback even if it was only nit picking at the opening as others may see mistakes that we may not. Below is the first draft and after that are the bits of feedback we got from our peers. We got told the overall idea was great with some good performances, great shots and editing. The few things we picked out from our feedback where: To put idents at the start (BBFC), Company logo, fades to black Remove Starring – not needed Repetition of ‘Raven Black’ (0.15) (This was a technical malfunction) Volume changes between first scene and Beth voiceover – needs to be more consistent. Too quiet in first part. (0.29) add s



Day 2- external

Day 2- External filming by Jess Emmingham

Day 1- Filming

Social media

Raven calls- Social media by Jess Emmingham